Are you and your fellow employees caught up Cleveland’s All-Star Game fever? You’ll most likely love stepping into the batter’s box yourself at your next corporate event with our VR Baseball experience!
Pitch-Hit VR is the best VR baseball experience you can find — much better, in fact, than MLB’s own — and we’d love to make All Stars out of your employees!
What makes it so cool?
Play baseball on the moon in zero gravity!
Hit from a tee and destroy an entire baseball diamond’s worth of targets (from cars to statues to flying lightbulbs in the sky)!
We usually project what the headset user on seeing on the biggest screen possible — either one of our inflatable 24-foot or 12-foot screens, or whatever you’ve got at the venue that everyone can see! It makes VR baseball a really cool social event that people love to participate in — and take pictures of their friends trying it out.
VR baseball is definitely a timely addition to any summer corporate entertainment right now.
Contact me (Chris) about visiting the office for a free consultation and demo, too! I want to make sure your next event wows everyone — VR baseball will help you hit it out of the park (… I couldn’t resist).