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Research Shows Measured Impact in VR Training, yet what's missing? | Games Done Legit


STRIVR is a company having success in using Virtual Reality for sports and corporate training. Two highlights
  • Data suggests that STRIVR training led to 20% reduction in reaction time when faced with a quick decision to make
  • Data also suggests that given users got the correct answers, those who learned with STRIVR got the correct answers on average 12% faster than those trained with regular video.

Epic video of the VR setup that had @landerhaven ‘s entire ballroom amazed at Spring Fest! #VR #CLEvrLand #GamesinCLE

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STRIVR created a free-throw shooting VR trainer, possibly similar to Hoops VR pictured here which we use on almost all VR Zone events Intopolo is another company we found with work in VR for business. They’re a Finnish company providing a ton of services as varied as cloud computing to leadership training to app development. They tell a cool story of the 1st VR simulation they created for a company after filming its manufacturing process and talking to employees. They outline how valuable VR is for kinestetic learners and for companies to save money and time on training. You can see in their demo how visual prompts speed up the learning process. These are fantastic steps for companies seeing the value in using Virtual Reality! I can’t help but feel that VR training will prove successful over the long haul when the experience itself is fun. VR is really, really cool, even when doing something that isn’t inherently fun, like operating a stapler or rearranging your desk. But we all know that novelty wears off, no matter what kind of technology we’re talking about. Think about about: Atari, Walkman, Encarta Encyclopedia, Beepers, Blackberry, MySpace. It doesn’t take long to for tech to be outdated, with only nostalgia to keep it relevant to pop culture. Training is still training, whether you’re doing it with a headset on or sitting behind a computer. VR obviously creates immersion, but I don’t think we stop there. Think about something you learned from a movie or videogame. When we are “tricked” into learning something through entertainment, we remember it much better. This is the basic premise of all educational videogames. Why do most of those fail, though, in teaching? No one wants to play them, because most of them aren’t fun. Nice try, NFL, but I’d rather stare at a wall than play this “game”. So would any kid or adult I know. But applying game principles — attractive graphics, personality, motivating rewards for achievement, goal-setting, competition — that’s where the impact of VR training will truly. VR, just like a computer, is a tool. If something is boring on a computer, it’ll be boring in VR once the novelty wears off. We’re constantly talking to corporate trainers and teachers to understand their successes and challenges in making the workplace and the classroom fun. To make learning enjoyable. We hope our peers in VR development for business might keep this in mind. Gaming has taught me so much about the world — and I’ve loved every minute of it. With the next level –VR/AR programs for business — we hope to see big smiles underneath the big headset from HR Directors, Trainers, and Trainees alike! Today’s workplace is more about a positive, enjoyable atmosphere than ever. Why shouldn’t training and team-building reflect that, too?]]>

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