What: Halloween Game-A-Thon, When: Saturday, Oct. 25, 7 p.m. – 1 a.m. Where: Dave & Buster’s Gamerspace (Google Maps directions) Who: GDL Entertainment: “Games Done Legit”, Cleveland’s videogame entertainment company, bringing you console gaming, prizes, and fun times w/ area gamers. Extra Life: just like Relay For Life, except using videogame streams to raise millions of dollars for kids children. Dirty Nerds: Cleveland gamer stream team, consisting of fine gentlemen of the retrogaming and fighting-game communities Why: “GAMING TO GIVE” to Extra Life, raising money for the sick children of Rainbow Babies & University Hospitals First off, DONATE to this fine lady’s fund to have a chance to win this AMAZING Video Game Connection prize package! Your presence at the event is not needed, but encouraged! We’ll announce the winner on stream! Nominate your skills for a block of stream time to showcase your videogame talents to the whole world, and help fundraise! Just email info@GDLent.com or Tweet @GamesDoneLegit ! Gaming is an activity ANYone can enjoy equally, regardless of size, stature, gender, race, creed. If you were bed-stricken, especially as a kid, gaming would probably take on an even deeper meaning for you. Why should you play games to help sick kids? Seems obvious. But if you need convincing, outside of the tournaments & door prizes & stream events we’re hosting … “I want you to imagine a playroom. It is a colorful, clean, happy playroom filled with laughing, adorable children. This playroom looks like any playroom in any school or daycare in any town in any country. But it’s not just any playroom. You watch through the glass as Child Life Specialists, who are some of the unsung heroes in many CMN Hospitals, lead them in crafts and activities. Over in the corner, one of the Child Life Specialists has a medical play doll, and she is using it to help a 7-year old girl learn about the procedure she has to endure this afternoon. A bunch of the kids are riding plastic cars, while their dad pushes their IV pole along beside them, trying to keep up. The lucky ones still have their hair. Some wear funny hats. Some are bald. They see you in the window, and wave to you. You wave back. This playroom you’re imagining is real. If you had seen this today with your own eyes, there would be no holding you back this week. You’d go couch diving and hold a cubicle yard sale at work and do whatever it took to make sure that come Saturday you arrived at Extra Life magnificently out of breath, knowing you did all you could do to save these kids.” — Extra Life 2012 Gaming is an a]]>